Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Reflect & Refresh ~ Part 2

It's time for the second part of the Reflect and Refresh linky with Mrs. D's Corner and Terrific Teaching and Learning!

The second part is what we want to do for the new school year.


I really want to try Remind with my class this year, and continue to write positive notes in the agenda-and keep up with it! Maybe if I made myself a schedule...


I'm a pretty organized soul, so I want to focus a little more on management this year.

I've been thinking about how I want my classroom to run, and realized that I want to go back to my Responsive Classroom roots.  I use a lot of the components of RC, but have gone away from the logical consequences part.

After reading Learn Like a Pirate (so good, btw!), and reading this post from Starr Spangled Planner, I realized that I'm tired of 'rewarding' behavior that I expect them to do (plus, our kids are very good and well-mannered).

So I'm hoping to give them more responsibility, and through feedback, deal with situations. I'm also planning on having the kids come up with the consequences (like we do our rules), so they have more ownership of their behavior and choices. Here's hoping it works!


I want to make better use of entrance and exit slips-which will help me differentiate better!

I also want to give Genius Hour a try (although where I'm going to find the time is another thing!), so that all kids feel smart and an expert in things.

Summer Project

I was able to organize most of my math manipulatives (here and here), but I needed more, and then I had a slight mishap with the shelves falling off the wall (which as far as I know, isn't fixed yet! > : (

I'm continuing to work on my math project-and I'm done with the quick checks for each chapter! (I finished last night! Boo-yah!)
Next, is the entrance/exit slips for each lesson-we'll see how far I get before school starts!

Definitely a lot of things to try and look forward to this year-we'll see how it goes!

Smiles and Sunshine,

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