Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Digs-In Progress

It's Teacher Week 2013!

Today is Classroom Digs Tuesday!

However, my classroom is a work in progress! I'm working in it today to move and tidy-so you'll see old pictures and work-in-progress pictures :)

Last year:
<--Shelves over there

Turn 180 to see chalkboard/library :)
This is the basic layout. I have more students this year, so I will have some more desks. Fortunately, the custodians moved the furniture in mostly the right place to save some heavy lifting :)

Some things that will remain the same (as soon as I put them up!)
I'll more than likely (95% sure) get rid of Math It Up and put the Jobs there...but Boggle and Learning tracker will stay. Above the Learning Tracker will be our Hopes and Dreams and Classroom Rules

Word Wall and Library will stay in the same place-though the pencil will move to the other side

Loved using this last year...a definite must!

CRAFT Board in the same place-VOICES has changed though
Reading Anchor charts will be in the same place-and Writing Anchor Charts are going where the old VOICES Board was...

SMART Board will be in the same place ;)

Right Now:

 I'm working on organizing these shelves...you can see some progress! They will be b-e-a-you-tiful when I'm done ;)
So those need to be put in the right place...

Piles! As things came off the shelves, they were separated into piles-Free, Other Teachers, Old Curriculum, Trash. I'll be tackling the piles soon too!

I also have a SMART Board-behind my desk, opposite the whiteboard. I try to have whole group areas in front of the whiteboard and SMART Board-so I teach from both ends of my room!

Smiles and Sunshine,


  1. My classroom is a total work-in-progress too! My piles are taking over!!! :) Your room is going to look awesome! I love your word wall/library area. Tell me about your CRAFT board - I've seen that around but don't know what it's for ???
    Thanks for sharing, Kaitlyn!
    Joy in the Journey

  2. My classroom is a work-in-progress too. I don't dare show pictures yet. Yours is really coming along though!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook


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