Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Made It

My last Monday of vacation-back to work next week!
First up, I finished my Lesson Planner!
I have it so I have a two page calendar spread
In front of the weekly lessons for that month
I've also put in PD days as well as days off
This way, I won't have to worry about handwriting it :)
Next, I made a HUGE Parts of Speech Bulletin Board.
As we cover each part of speech, I'll add the definition with examples underneath each part-to help us remember!

Next, I updated  a few resources from last year.

First up, my Writer's Checklist-By making it bigger and condensing a few things!
Old Version:

New Version:

It's right above my writing process chart!

I've also updated my rubric by adding a set of expectations to it.

This way, the students can get a better gauge on what their grade means, as well as what it takes to get to the next level.

And finally, I've been squarely busy, happily hooking away!

I'm very close to being done squaring away-I need 54 squares and I have 43! The tough part now is finding square patterns from my books that I haven't done-I want all different squares (except maybe the corners...thinking of doing two different kinds...).

 The fun part will come when I have to join them all together.

Have a happy Monday!

Smiles and Sunshine,


  1. Love your planner. Did you use a template for it?


  2. You are going to have a beautiful piece when you finish your squares!

    Math is Elementary

  3. I'm also sharing my planner today on MIM! Did you bind your own? I blogged about using Office Max, but I'm hoping to get my school's parent group to buy a machine for our school. Yours is super cute!

    4th Works

  4. Your planner looks awesome, and I love the writer's checklist- Is there somewhere I can get it?


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