Thursday, December 18, 2014

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

I had an idea.

A wonderful, awful idea.

This week, we've spent the week focusing on my favorite story How the Grinch Stole Chirstmas.

The first day, we read the story and then compared it to one of my favorite Christmas movies-the 1966 animated version.
Video for those who are nerds and don't have all the TV Classics (including claymations!) ;)

Watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas [1966] (Classic) in Family | View More Free Videos Online at

Before we even started, we talked about comparing and contrasting.

Then, we listed things we noticed in the story.

Video time!

After that, we listed things that we unique to the movie.

Off to compare and contrast! I asked them for 5 things in each section.

Those that were finished, started doing a description of the Grinch-I left it totally up to them on how they described him.

The next day, we worked on character traits of the Grinch.

I put a Grinch on the board, and we listed traits-with backing up our thinking as a whole class.
Then, they did their own character sheet-showing how the Grinch changed from the beginning of the story to the end of the story.

BTW, I got the Grinch description sheet and character change sheet from Fun with Firsties-good for all ages!

Since I did get the sheet from a lower grade, I added a little bit extra for my kiddos-I wanted them to tell me what made the Grinch change.

Students also had to FAST the Grinch  in their Reading Notebooks.

On Day 3, we worked with the song- You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.

I printed out the lyrics, and found a video that had them all in it!

We worked with pulling out adjectives first-highlighting them. Then we underlined and labeled different types of figurative language.

Student had an adjective sheet to do (from Jivey!), and they had to pick one of the figurative language sections and illustrate it.

And there's is so much more that you could do with this book-and all of these activities tie into the CC as well! (We only did 3 day because we had a dance thingy rehearsal/show on Thursday, and our party is on Friday!)

Have a happy holiday! (Don't be a Grinch!)

Smiles and Sunshine,

1 comment:

  1. What great activities! You had your kiddos doing some great work this week, but I bet they loved it. So fun and such a great book to use!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel


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