Happy Friday!
Even though it was a short week, it still felt very long (i.e.-my kids didn't do well on a Causes of the American Revolution test,
even though they could use their notebooks, so I came up with something to help them raise their grades. After they couldn't stop talking yesterday, I really yelled at them (mean yelling :( -the first time all year. But you better believe that I had the quietest class walking in the hallways for lunch :) I did kind of apologize after recess...they're a pretty good class :)
Diane at:
is having a cool school supply linky.
I've thought a lot about this for next year, especially since we get a set amount from the district to use for school supplies and our bid sheets have to be in at the end of June (last year it was $550 (I KNOW!!! :), but we haven't heard anything about it yet this year)
So the list that I will give the kids will be pretty simple-since I'll be able to buy most of it myself.
1 3-subject notebook (Wide Ruled)
1 pack of 24 colored pencils
2 packs of Post-Its
Glue Stick
1 pack of Binder Paper
Box of Tissues
~The 3-subject notebook is going to be our like our Literacy Portfolio. One section will hold our vocabulary foldables for each week (we get five new words a week- we use
Laura Candler's Foldable) The section second will be Reader Responses.
I'm undecided about the third section. I go between wanting
Mentor Sentences (which if it doesn't go here will get it's own notebook) or doing something a la Book Whisperer and have them track their reading and responses to their independent books. Any helpful suggestions?
~ The pencils will be for the foldables and our notebooks and any coloring I give (I DO give coloring in 4th grade...color by the math problem answer!!)
~We'll be using post-it's a
lot more in our reading...I started using them a little this year, but kind of lost track. I'll work hard to make sure we use them more effectively next year :)
~Binder paper will go into a class stock, and we will use for our spelling tests and writing.
Is quite a bit longer!
Class set of Composition Books-Math Notebooks (although I do have quite a bit stashed in the trunk of my car when they went on clearance last year 20 cents each!)
Class set of Notebooks-Social Studies (could be spiral bound)
Class set of Notebooks-Mentor Sentences (?)
Class set of 1/2 Composition Books-Numbers/Calendar Journal
Class set of 1/2 Composition Books-Word Work Responses
Class set of 24 pack of Crayons (part of my 'Whale'come gift to them ;)
Pencils, Pencils, Pencils (we have community pencils-although the previous teacher left quite a stash so I may not need to get any!)
More Post-its (for when they run out!)
Class set of 8-Pocket Portfolios (I'm going to try this instead of Writing Binders this year...after they finish, their writing will be moved to a folder, so they can see their progress)
In case you were curious what they looked like...I know I was! |
Folders, Folders, Folders! (Take Home, Unfinished Work, etc)
BIG Glue-to refill the cute little glues :)
White Cardstock (for all the cool centers y'all make!)
Page protectors (so I can organize all those cool centers!)
Binders, Baskets (Organization!)
And I think that's it! Do you think it's enough ? ;)
Go link with with
Fifth and the Middle (so I could get some more ideas!)
Today's Outfit (
very warm!)
Dress: JCP
Shoes: Payless
I french-braided my hair...hoping it would stay all day (it's fairly fine, and only stays well when wet-and I did go prepared if it didn't!). I only had to rebraid it twice during the day...and the girls complimented me on my hair :)
Happy weekend!
Smiles and Sunshine,